Donna The Buffalo
The Jefferson Theater
Charlottesville VA
2021-11-06 Saturday
70'F 45%RH
Source: (1) Busman BSCS-L > Apogee Minime Rev. C > Edirol OCM R-44
(2) JB-mod NAK CM-300 (CP-1'S) > Edirol OCM R-44
(3) SBD > none, missed sound check
Transfer: Audacity > Izotope RX 8 > Izotope Ozone 9 > CD Wave > TLH
Recorded and matrixed by capnhook
d1t01 -intro-
d1t02 Love Time
d1t03 -banter-
d1t04 If You Only Could
d1t05 The Reason Why
d1t06 -banter-
d1t07 Ancient Arms
d1t08 -sandbagged-
d1t09 Just Like Me
d1t10 Motor
d1t11 Heaven And The Earth
d1t12 I Love My Tribe
d1t13 In Another World > Revolution
d1t14 -tuning-
d1t15 Swing That Thing
d1t16 When The Rubber Hits The Road #
d1t17 -banter-
d1t18 Family Picture
d1t19 It's Over
d1t20 -crowd-
d2t01 The Love You Left Behind
d2t02 Your Heart Beating Next To Mine
d2t03 Conscious Evolution
d2t04 Just Like You
d2t05 Arrows Pointing Sideways
d2t06 -banter-
d2t07 Sitting On Top Of The World
d2t08 Blue Sky
d2t09 -crowd-
d2t10 Tomorrow Still Knows
d2t11 -band intros-
d2t12 Yonder
d2t13 -encore crowd-
d2t14 Pleasure Pain And Dream @
d2t15 -crowd-
d2t16 Mrs Maudry > Revelation Two-Step
# - New Jeb Tune
@ - Jeb and Tara, new official song title
Jeb Puryear - "We almost had to file a missing persons report there, I looked
over and she was gone."
Tara Nevins - "Alright, you still with us out there?"
Never For Sale.
Please support artists that allow taping by buying merchandise & attending shows.
Jeb Puryear - Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals
Tara Nevins - Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Fiddle, Accordion, Scrubboard, Tambourine
David McCracken - Hammond B3, Clavinet
Chris English - Drums, backing vocals
Ted Pecchio - Bass
Photos courtesy of Bob Delaney and Mark Allen.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: