Seattle Center Coliseum
Seattle, WA
1977-09-18 (first of a two-night stand)

Opening for Yes

a BILL B. master audience recording/DOINKER DISCOVERY/TOOLEMAN REALIZATION Project

CD version mastered by TheTooleMan from the master cassette
Lineage: unknown recorder -> Maxell UD C-90 tape -> Doinker's connections -> TheTooleMan -> 24 bit 48 kHz transfer -> mixing majic -> downsampled mix

What DOINKER wrote:

Donovan is really, REALLY into the songs he's singing during this set. It's not just a concert, it's a true 1960's "happening" right in the middle of the disco era, with none of the nostalgia one might experience if the concert took place today. That's sort of a contradiction, especially if you lived during both the 1960's and '70's but hey that's the way this concert is. Today, people performing "hippie" acts they did in the 1960's can seem like they are doing shtick (look that word up, it's real), but Donovan still exudes warmth and even more so during this show.

Many thanks to TheTooleMan for bringing the best out in this recording. Also hats off to Bill B. for supplying the tape.

November 2009

What TheTooleMan wrote:

Of all the people who opened for Yes, Donovan has to be the most apt. Wish I'd been there myself.

The PA is quiet and the audience is pretty lively while Donovan is on stage. Still, the songs and Donovan's vibe put me in a good mood
this morning.

Half the songs in Donovan's set come from his 1977 album, "Donovan."

I could imagine Donovan subbing for Jon Anderson in today's incarnation of Yes, singing Starship Trooper with his "Hurdy Gurdy Man" vibrato. Think about it.

If you've ever heard a shortwave radio, the first track may remind you of a broadcast from a distant continent that's slowly fading in and out. Maybe
that continent is Atlantis, and the distance is not just geographic but temporal, as we adjust our dials and fine tune the signal coming to us, for the
first time, from a distance of over three decades. Hail Atlantis.

November, 2009

What DONOVAN wrote:

1 Brave New World (joined in progress)
2 My Lady of the Stars
3 Hurdy Gurdy Man
4 The Inter-Galactic Laxative
5 Intro to The Local Boy Who Chopped Wood
6 The Local Boy Who Chopped Wood
7 The Light
8 Mellow Yellow
9 Atlantis