Doug Sahm and Band
5 June 1973
The Orpheum Theatre
Boston, MA

Mono cassette audience recording by allsoundz using a mic of now
forgotten manufacture and a Sony cassette recorder, model number, also long forgotten.
Transferred by allsoundz from the master non-dolbyized cassettes.
Tascam 122MKIII>Numark 20 Band Equalizer>HHB CDR 830
Tracked and slight editing in CD Wave

cdr>eac(secure mode)>flac(level 6) by carville 9 April 2007

total time 30:20

1 Jambalaya
2 I'm So Lonesone I Could Cry
3 Papa Ain't Salty
4 tuning and taper talk/She's About a Mover
5 Right Or Wrong
6 Stormy Monday

notes: allsoundz told me the rest is missing due to a broken tape some time ago.
opening act for Old and In the Way.