Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver
Monmouth Racetrack
Oceanport, NJ
August 2nd, 1980
Brian Crofton's Master Cassette /Nak 500
Maxell UDXLII > Nakamichi CR-7A
Azimuth Adjust > Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit 5.6Mhz
No Dolby EQ SX/70u
Transferred by Rich Rothenberg 2/12/2021
Notes: Very well balanced Mono Console feed.
Dolby was used in mastering but not on playback.
Set List:
Total Time: 00:27.33
The Band:
Doyle Lawson
Rich Whulberg
John Carlini and friends
One song Unknown Band
Corrections please to rich rothenberg
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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