Drew Emmitt and Danny Barns w/ Jason Carter
Del Yeah Festival
Pisgah Brewing Company
Outdoor Stage
Black Mountain, NC
Live (matrix):
Source 1: SP C4 (cards, roughly DIN, FOB, DFC, ~7.5' high) > Oade P-mod UA5 > iriver H120 (rockboxed w/ CF mod)
Source 2: CA-14 (omni, split 3', FOB, DFC, ~7.5' high) > CA 9100 > iRiver H120 (rockboxed w/ CF mod)
H120 (x2) > macbook > Audacity (drift edit/merge/tracking/fades) > xACT (flac encoding (level 8))
01. -intro-
02. Wild Bill Jones
03. -banter-
04. Get It While You Can
05. Troubled Times
06. ?? (instrumental)
07. ??
08. ??
09. -banter-
10. Life In the Country
11. -banter/crowd-
12. Ain't Going to Work Tomorrow
13. -banter-
14. Wine
15. Rocky Road Blues
16. -outro/stage announcements-
Notes: Apparently there were some problems with the right channel of the C4s during this set, possibly moisture
issues, so decided to scrap it and just duplicate the left channel.