Drive By Truckers
DMB Caravan Lakeside
Chicago, IL
Slip Stage
July 08, 2011

CA14-omni (windcutters-wide ORTF) > ST9100 > Edirol R09 @24bit/48hz
DFC FOB 8 ft in the air
SDHC > Sound Forge 10 > CD wave > TLH
Taper: soling(
Tagged in Foobar 2000

Run time: 59:25

01 Lookout Mountain
02 ?
03 Use To Be A Cop
04 Get Downtown
05 Go Go Boots
06 Cartoon Gold
07 Box of Spiders
08 Ghost to Most
09 Oh Naked Boy
10 Mercy Buckets
11 Zip City
12 Buttholeville

Patterson Hood (guitar, vocals)
Mike Cooley (vocals and guitars)
Brad Morgan (drums)
Shonna Tucker (vocals and bass)
John Neff (guitar, steel pedal guitar)
Jay Gonzalez (keyboards)

Go see live music. Support those artists and venues that allow taping. See them live, buy their merchandise, bring a friend to the show. This recording for trading only, never for sale. Preserve the music, trade in lossless formats only (keep mp3 for personal use)