Drive-By Truckers
Green River Festival - Franklin County Fairgrounds
Greenfield, MA
* A Team Dirty South Recording *
One Set:
01. Intro
02. Tornadoes
03. A Ghost To Most
04. Sink Hole
05. Shit Shots Count
06. The Company I Keep
07. Women Without Whiskey
08. Plastic Flowers on the Highway
09. 3 Dimes Down
10. Ronnie and Neil
11. Made Up English Oceans
12. Rosemary With a Bible and a Gun
13. Slow Ride Argument
14. Let There Be Rock
15. Marry Me
16. Hell No, I Ain't Happy
17. Shut Up and Get on the Plane
18. Outro
Total time: 1:23:40
Band Personnel:
Patterson Hood: guitar, vocals
Mike Cooley: guitar, vocals
Brad Morgan: drums
Jay Gonzalez: keys, guitar
Matt Patton: bass
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Source: Microtech Gefell M21 capsules > nbob actives > Tascam DR-60D (24/44.1)
Lineage: SD > WAV (24/44.1) > Wavelab v6.10 (edits) > CD Wave v1.98 (tracking) > FLAC(8) > foobar2000 (tagging)
Location: right side of soundboard tent, ~60 ft from stage, mics PAS @ ~10 ft
recorded and transferred by: vanark (vanarkATgmailDOTcom)
Note: Dead air between stage intro and band beginning was removed seemlessly, no banter or music lost.
Crowd noise during outro removed seemlessly, no banter or music lost.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: