November 17, 2013
Live Oak, FL @ Big IV Stage - Bear Creek Music Festival
Source: Schoeps mk22/cmc6 -> Sound Devices 788
Transfer: SD788 -> pc -> Wavelab 4 (fades, resampled, dither w/uv22hr and normalized to -.5) -> cdwav -> Traders Little Helper -> Vuze -> You
Taped and transferred by Steve Bazley
01. Intro by Paul Levine
02. Blueswave
03. Dirty Word
04. Reality of the Situation
05. If I'm In Luck [Betty Davis cover]
06. They Don't Care
07. Put It In The Dumpsta
08. I Know You Know (with horns)
09. Water [Graham Central Station cover] (with horns)
10. I Wish You Would (with horns)
11. Raise The House (with horns)
12. Dancing To The Truth
Natalie Cressman - trombone
Cheme Gastelum - sax (t8 only)
??? - trumpet
Igmar Thomas - trumpet
James Casey - sax
Skerik - sax
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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