The Dutch Bluegrass Revue
Venlo, The Netherlands
27. August 2016
minimax master-series #674
Master - Audience recording
Taping-location: pole position, about 8,86 meters from stage
Sound-quality: excellent, some audience-chicks-chatter
Equipment: Zoom H4N with Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8
concert-info: day 04 of this years' Zomerparkfeest at Venlo
Day 04 started on the Mainstage with a varying number of musicians called the Dutch Bluegrass Revue. It was really early, only a few people showed up here at the start, got more during their set. About 8 musicians played a bunch of bluegrass-country-songs, sometimes only four musicians were on stage, the next song the other four, then all of 'em or five and so on.
Strange start, funny music, we got a bluegrass-version of Iggys �Lust for life�.
Some audience chatter as -wherever Mr. Minimax is on the field, some chatting chicks will find me and my hidden microphones. But it sounds quiet fine.
Including Cover-Artwork!
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Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
No MP3 please!
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