Dwight Yoakam
Palomino Club
North Hollywood, California
Saturday January 18, 1986
tape 1
early show
1. Can�t You Hear Me Calling
2. Honky Tonk Man
3. Guitars, Cadillac�s
4. Twenty Years
5. 1000 Miles
6. Rocky Road Blues
7. Reading Writing Route 23 (21:41 spliced tape flip in the applause)
8. Heartaches By The Number
9. I'll Be Gone
10. It Won't Hurt
11. My Bucket's Got A Hole
12. Miner's Prayer
13. Grand Tour (2 short mono sections to repair microphone problem)
tape 2
late show-
(recording started with the song in progress-first 9 seconds is a patch from the early show)
1. Guitars, Cadillac�s
2. It Won't Hurt
3. Jambalaya
4. Miner's Prayer
5. Heartaches By The Number
6. Mystery Train
7. Dwight chats with the crowd
8. South of Cincinnati
9. My Bucket's Got A Hole
10. Dwight chats some more
11. Grand Tour
12. Band Introduction
13. This Drinking Will Kill Me
Recorded by Mike Martin and Mario Mancilla
2 Sennheiser MKH404-tu microphones > Sony D5-M w/ Dolby > (2) TDK MA-R C60 cassettes
Nakamichi CR-7A (azimuth aligned to tape, Dolby B, Bias @ 70us) >
Korg MN-2000S 1 Bit DFF @ 2.822 MHz > AudioGate (24-96) >
Audacity (minor editing - volume, balance, dropouts, and splices) (fist set equalized) >
AudioGate (16-44) > CD Wav > TLH (Flac Level 8) > Stamp ID3 tag editor
The first set was un-naturally bright and that points to operator error.
Most likely the first tape was recorded at the incorrect bias setting of 120us.
Insufficient bias voltage affects the low frequency (resulting in over bright sound).
I avoid manipulation but in this case the first set was equalized in an attempt to correct this.
A snapshot of the eq. setting is included (slope = +5db at 40 Hz to -5dB at 5 khz)
The equalization was conservative and this set still has a very bright sound.
The tape flip for cassette one is in the applause and was spliced together without any loss.
The second set sounds much more realistic although less up front initially.
The flaw in this set is that I missed the start of the opening song.
Used a few seconds from the early set to patch this and create a (less) abrupt beginning.
Tape flip during applause and no music lost.
This is the first time that the master has been digitized.
For historical reference only and not intended for resale or any commercial use.
Flying M Productions - August 2012
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: