ekoostik Hookah
February 26, 2010
Park Theater
Holland, MI
bsc1(k1)>bumblebees>busmod 660
Set One
01. Right Back Out In the Street
02. Good Time (MGR)
03. Stuck In the Snow
04. Black Mamba
05. All Thats Left Of Me
06. Hot Desert Sun
07. Gina
08. crowd/chatter/Hanging of the Clogs
09. Black Water>
10. Ecstasy
Set Two
11. Carousel
12. Whiskey Woman
13. Big ol Freight Train
14. Been Down That Road
15. Steeped In Tears
16. Caribou
17. crowd/appreciation, explanation, announcements and suggestions
18. Water Bear>
19. Slipjig Through the Poppy Fields>
20. Water Bear
21. crowd/Thanks
22. Tumblin
~*~ enjoy