Misty Mountain Roadtour
Zentralcafe K4, Nuernberg, Germany
April - 20 - 2014
Act # 4
from SEETHEFUZZ7 collection # 120
Rec. Info:
AIWA CM30 Mic -> Olympus LS11 (at WAV 16/44) -> We Transfer-> my HD -> Audacity (edit, volume balance + boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded at first row almost dead center as usual by dear SEETHEFUZZ7. Very fine recording with no chatters or other disturbing troubles. All is well and fine here.
Some nice pics are included as well. A big hands also for SEETHELIGHT7 for backup taping...
Dear fellow explorers of the outer orbits of space and music, due to the everlasting love of taping of my dear Nuernberg friends, I'm very happy to present you this fabulous event
with four bands, who surely know how to drill a hole in your skull and mind. But first... MISTY MOUNTAIN ROADTOUR? Well, this 4-day-creep in Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg and Nuernberg was
organised by the crew from MISTY MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL somewhere in the outskirts of Frankonia, inside a hangar of a rural glider airport. The festival will be on the weekend of August
16/17th 2014 again, and I hope some of you will join in the fun there...
This was the first trip on the road with bands who played there/will play there or whatever... The music ranges from deepdown doom, avantgarde artcore, weird psychedelic spacemelt to
some teknoid electronic brainwash... Curious...?
Here's the running order of that evening... (and I think all bands were taped)...
Final act from that four band roadtour features a three piece band from Strasbourg, France. And what'll get is something really strange. The instrumental setup is: Gibson SG guitar,
drums and electronics with further percussion played by the guitarslinger...And what I read on their homepage or somewhere else is the best description I found in many months:
"Epileptical dance noise", woah...and of course it is. Mix up some electronic techniod dance "music" with a good portion of Math-Rock (like PANZERBALLETT plays) and add just the right
amount of Avantagarde Noise and ready is this astonishing "stew". And like the southern german people like to say: "Wohl bekommt's" (slang for "Have a nice meal") I'd like to introduce
you fellow explorers of the outer limits of music to these guys from France. BON APPETIT! SB.
FULL SHOW (51:55 min.)
01. Intro -> Material boy (11:01)
02. Cut (3:50)
03. Tuning talk (0:57)
04. ... (7:35)
05. ... (6:52)
06. La centrale (8:29)
07. Talk and tune (1:08)
08. ... (12:00)
La setlist d�sesp�r�ment besoin d'aide!
facebook/bandcamp ect...
Soutenir la bande, acheter tous les produits officiels!
Pas de conversion de fichiers avec perte, sauf pour un usage personnel.
Aucune utilisation nette perte!
Qui vend ici pour aller en enfer!
(I hope that this is not complete nonsense...)
Eric Bentz
Vincent Robert
Vincent Redel
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2014/04/29.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: