Zeiss-Planetarium, Bochum, Germany
(audience recording)
Soundman OKM I > ZOOM H1 > PC (via USB) > Wavelab (EQ, edit, tracking) >
recording position: difficult to describe in a planetary ... about 10 meters from stage, a little to the left from dead center (which is the projector)
set-list: (all tracks are -as always- instant compositions, unnamed - untill officially released :-) )
01. ambience opening + announcement (in german) (4.14)
02. zeission I-1 (31.43) *
03. zeission I-2 (13.25)
03b. - (applause) (0.19) **
04. zeission II (22.09) ***
04b. - (applause) (0.21)
(break - about 30 min. - not recorded :D)
05. zeission III (26.17)
05b. - (applause) (0.18) **
06. zeission IV (23.40)
06b. - (applause) (0.52)
07. zeission V (28.59)
07b. - (applause) (0.36)
total time: 153 min
in this exceptional case I tracked each applause for itself - you can drop those if you want the "continous" space-experience on CD.
Especially for the second CD you have to drop at least the final applause (or 06b) to fit on a usual one.
* about 4 min. (RT: 13.15-17.40) used/replaced from a different recording, done from different position with different (unknown high quality but no original-head) mikes (but also H1) ... Thx to dear Mr.Blueshacks, see story below
** edited out some seconds of silence between the tracks (03b - about 45 sec / 05b - about 90 sec)
*** edited out 2 sec of heavy coughing to my close left (you won't find the edit ;-) )
Sula Bassana (aka Dave Schmidt) (g, electronics)
Komet Lulu (bg)
Markus Schnitzler (dr)
I tried to get a ticket for last year's planetary-concert - but was much too late !
This year an old friend of mine took care for it early enough ...
and ...
The shown outer/inner/hyperspace-planetary-show was the most perfect visualization for ELECTRIC MOON's mindbloxpanding psycheliride.
I guess it wasn't MADE for ELECTRIC MOON (except maybe some very psyche-dheli-colour-minutes) but music & video fitted perfectly as if it was arranged/choreographed for each other.
some beers, a cookie and a highly comfete cinema-chair ... a PERFECT evening.
Well, writing of beers ... brings me to the story mentioned above.
From the first moment on an incredible experience, BUT ... after 10 minutes nature starts to call ... and after about 15 min. nature was screaming ... and I HAD to follow it (HATED THAT !!!).
So, I dropped my mikes carefully on my seat and visited the toilets. It took about 4 min., but when I came back ... AAAAAAAARGHHH !!!
My seat-neighbour (same friend who got the tickets) had the glorious idea to change the seat - and sat on MY seat almost immediatly after I ran off - and not only on my seat but also on my mikes !!!!!!! (ignoring/not knowing those were lying there).
Thank god, no damage was done (obviously - the recording went on, but was (of course) extremly muffled and noisy in those minutes ... and in the last 30 seconds (when I came back) extremly disturbed by my silent screaming and yanking about his "deed".
So I had to replace at least these last 30 seconds ...
I restored the "muffled" part with heavy EQ-processing, but only as a "better than nothing"-solution.
As I met dear Mr.Blueshacks at the concert and got to know, that he also recorded, I begged him for some "spare-parts", and kindly he send me his material.
So, now from RT 13.15 to 17.40 you hear his recording. I EQed that heavily to adapt the sound to my recording, but if you listen closely, you still can hear the difference.
Mainly because of his very different position HIS recording has a much more present and transparent drum-set, on the other hand the guitar is VERY low in his recording.
Also the stereo-characteristics between original-head and "usual" mikes are quite different and hard to adapt by remastering a non-original-head-recording.
But all in all Blueshacks-recording in itself is a very fine one too, and this merge now sounds definitly better than my own "restaurated" material.
So, in spite of that little problem, this is a quite excellent audience-recording !!!
There is ALMOST no audience chatter during the whole concert, only during the opening ambience of both sets, when people still return to their seats (especially first 3 min. of track 05 are VERY chatty), not recognizing/accepting/ignoring the ambience as a concert-part !
From time to time the sound is a little bit swimming/flowing depending on my seat position (you could lean back to an almost lying position, which makes a lot of sense, starring into the dome / into the expanding universe ;-) )
I did -of course- some EQing (raised heights for brilliance and added some precise frequencies to the basses)
Nevertheless, to enjoy the original-head-recording completely I recommend listening via headphones !
Cover-artwork included
Support the artists!
Buy their official releases, merchandises, and especially their concert-tickets !
And if you want to support them most effectivly :
Buy their stuff at concerts directly FROM the artists or via their homepages !!!
Please allow me a little Xtra-advertisement for this extraordinary band here:
Last years planetary-event is officially released as download-album here :
Keep it lossless (if possible - This is no holy grail, but it would be nice if the quality would remain for all future listeners!)
Trade freely!
uploaded to DIME by rackhir November 2016
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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