Zeiss-Planetarium, Bochum, Germany
2017-10-06 + 07
(audience recording)
FLYGE - (CD-compatible 16/44 version)
Soundman OKM IIR > ZOOM H1 (24/48) > PC (via USB) > Wavelab (EQ, edit, tracking, bit-conversion) > TLH (flac8)
recording position: best possible (??) seat close to center of the planetary left (6.10.) and right (7.10.) to projector - in fact I still try to figure out the best possible (accoustic) seat in this planetary
set-list: (all tracks are -as always- instant compositions, unnamed - untill maybe officially released :-) )
first concert (Friday, October 6th)
00. - (announcement in german) (1.14)
01. flug 1 (34.43)
01b. - (applause) (0.19)
02. flug 2 (31.52)
02b. - (applause) (0.20)
03. flug 3 (30.21)
03b. - (applause) (0.15)
(break - about 45 min. - not recorded :D)
04. flug 4 - incl.flugsteig A (35.02)
04b. - (applause) (0.18)
05. flug 5 (22.26)
05b. - (final applause) (1.02)
second concert (Saturday, October 7th)
00. - (announcement in german) (1.49)
01. flug 6 (35.16)
01b. - (applause) (0.14)
02. flug 7 (25.18)
02b. - (applause) (0.14)
(break - about 45 min. - not recorded :D)
03. flug 8 - incl.flugsteig B (42.44)
03b. - (applause) (0.14)
04. flug 9 (19.03)
04b. - (applause/encore) (2.05)
05. sonderflug 10 (27.59)
05b. - (final applause) (0.46)
total time: 312 min
As last year I tracked each applause for itself - you can drop those if you want the "continous" and uninterrupted space-experience on CD.
I also edited out the (about one) minute of silence after each applause, they used to "regroup" and to reconfigure the FX-sections for the next track
Sula Bassana (aka Dave Schmidt) (g, electronics, piano)
Komet Lulu (bg, FX)
Bernie (dr)
As last year : WHAT CONCERTS - WHAT AN AMBIENCE !!! SPACE IS THE PLACE !!! - hope this will become a steady tradition !!!
Visually the same show as last year (both shows), but again, a most perfect visualization for ELECTRIC MOON's mindbloxpanding psychedelirides.
some beers, a cookie and a highly comfete cinema-chair ... two PERFECT evenings.
and two excellent audience-recordings (still can't decide what recording position is the better one - maybe I try a center seat BEHIND the projector next time)
Except a little cough here and there, there is ALMOST no audience chatter during the whole concert, only a little during the opening ambiences ("Flugsteig A+B") in the beginning of the second sets after the break, when people still returned to their seats.
From time to time the sound is a little bit swimming/flowing depending on my seat position (you could lean back to an almost lying position, which makes a lot of sense, starring into the dome / into the expanding universe ;-) )
For THIS CD-compatible 16/44,1 version I did my usual mastering-EQing (raised heights for brilliance, added some precise frequency to the bassdrum and some more light flesh to the guitar around 1 khz) plus usual light mastering compression, I also lowered all applause parts by some db
Nevertheless, to enjoy the original-head-recording completely I STRONGLY recommend listening via headphones !
no cover-artwork included (I work on a nice 5CD-box-design)
Support the artists!
Buy their official releases, merchandises, and especially their concert-tickets !
And if you want to support them most effectivly :
Buy their stuff at concerts directly FROM the artists or via their homepages !!!
Keep it lossless (if possible - This is no holy grail, but it would be nice if the quality would remain for all future listeners!)
Trade freely!
uploaded to DIME by rackhir October 2017