Electronic All-Star-Finale-Session (Hans-Joachim Irmler & Horst Porkert & Simon & Phillip & Martin)
10. Psychedelic Network Festival
Cafe Cairo, W�rzburg, Germany
(audience recording)
Day # 3/Act # 4 (app. 17:00 -> 18:00)
Soundman OKMIIR > ZOOM H1 (16/48) > PC(via USB) > Wavelab (EQ, edit, tracking) > TLH(flac8)
recording position: second row, right center
01 electronic supersession (53.41)
02 - (band-extroduction + final festival words by Horst) (1.51)
Time: 56 min
Hans-Joachim Irmler (FAUST) (organ, synth, voc, FX)
Horst "Sunhair" Porkert (synths)
Phillip Hager aka SCHWEBEN (ZEMENT) (synths)
Martin Schorn aka Modulfix (ZONE SIX) (synths)
Simon Schellhorn (CUBUS MAXIMUS) (perc, vibraphone)
I guess the most of you have already read the more detailed description of this wonderful little festival and our collective trip down to W�rzburg in the earlier uploads of Mr.Spacebandit
So, not so much more words about that by me, but at least my deepest thanks to Horst Porkert for this incredible event itself (again) and to the collective crew (I am the newbie/guest in), dear Spacebandit, Miro, Blueshacks, Rendel, Martin, Martin and J�rg for the warm welcome, their great support and the opportunity to take part in this.
As the only true electronic-afficionado of our bunch day 3 was completely my domain, so, a very special xtra-thanks to Blueshacks, Martin & J�rg, who were patient enough to wait (quite bored, I guess !!) till the end of the final session and not to insist to start the long way home much earlier ... THAAANK YOU !!!
Final act of the festival: A long and completely improvised session with all musicians of this sunday. A floating analog overkill with expressive organic and even some vocalized interventions by Jochen Irmler and pulsating percussion from accoustic and analog sources. Organic electronics at it's best. A fantastic finale for the 10th jubilee of an outstanding festival.
The recording itself is EXCELLENT, a very attentive audience and almost no chatter - BUT ... I still suffered from a cold that day, so there are some unsurpressable coughs here and there, mostly between tracks, but sometimes I couldn't suppress it anymore ... I tried to keep it as quiet as possible, but ... (SORRY !!!)
Recording all sunday concerts with a much too low level (not knowing what volume to expect), I had to amplify these all for some db, also raising the noise-floor by that . so I had to denoise the recordings a bit in the beginning of the mastering chain
Mastered as usual, raised heights (quite a lot) and added some fat to the basses, followed by some light mastering compression (nothing pumping audible)
btw ... I recorded (and upload) all concerts here in little better resolution with 16bit/48kHz, not CD-compatible without conversion, but I don't have to convert up to DVD-compatible format
SORRY, no cover-artwork but I added some video-snapshots
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Keep it lossless (if possible - This is no holy grail, but it would be nice to keep the quality for all future listeners!)
Trade freely!
uploaded to DIME by rackhir December 2017