ELEPHANT9 (LarsM-Spacebandit-TomP remaster)
Cafe Mono, Oslo, Norway
LarsM aud recording, Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2014/01/17 http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=479181
Sony ECM 719 mic > Sony PCM D50 (at WAV 16/44) > HD > USB Stick via Mail > HD > Audacity (edit/remaster) > WAV 16/44 >
TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> TomP Edit (Nero 8 & Audition 3) > Flac tags (Tag&Rename) > TLH (flac6 + SBE/decode check) > Dime
Quality: A+
The original is a great recording by LarsM and presentation by Spacebandit (thanks), but with the usual AUD artifacts and
clipping, so I fixed these, added further bass EQ and a few other changes, plus added flac tags using the nice fastone artworks.
IMHO it is a good upgrade, sounding louder despite volume being less, so I have provided an mp3 sample of the same section
as the sample in the original post, so folks can compare themselves. Hope you like it !!
TomP post on Dime, Jamnuary 2014...Enjoy !!
St�le Storl�kken (Fender Rhodes, Hammond organ)
Nikolai Eilertsen (bass)
Torstein Lofthus (drums)
Reine Fiske (Fender Stratocaster)
01 - Psychedelic Backfire (15:45)
02 - Skink (6:09)
03 - I Cover the Mountain Top (28:02) >
04 - The Riddler (9:22)
05 - Atlantis (35:12)
06 - John Tinnick (4:50)
Total = 99:20 min
Edit details (Nero unless indicated)
Clip restoration -2dB (Audition)
Phase inversion (Audition)
Peak compression (-2dB)
Cross mixed channels (99:1 ratio)
Phase offset correction, moved left channel -1 sample
Further +3dB bass EQ
Normalised volume
Minor retracking
Flac tagging (Tag&Rename)
Spacebandit notes:
YOUR EARS AND MIND...on a weird progressive organ feast jazz space journey!
Recorded by dear taper brother Lars app. 3 meters from stage edge dead center. A tiny little bit of the lower end was added after
boosting this very quiet recording, just to make it a bit even more enjoyable. This was recorded in a very small venue, and it
sounds just GREAT!
Elephant9 is a norwegian jazz/progressive rock trio from Oslo, founded in 2006, who tend to expand their all original tunes in a
jamming style a lot on their live shows. The band enjoys a close relation/friendship with another great band from Norway, the
fabulous MOTORPSYCHO. On this particular exciting show they are joined by psychedelic guitarmaster Reine Fiske, the latest addition
to the MP lineup, who adds a very spacey note to the already farout music.
So, fellow lovers of the unknown outer realms of sound, fest setebeltene, lette en opp, og off we go ...SB.
the usual facebook ect. sites
Support the band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy blog/tracker use! Flac rules!
If you sell...go straight to hell!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: