The Lyon Tapes Collection (volume 22) - NEW TRANSFERT

Centre Culturel
Lyon-Villeurbanne (France)
June 3, 1987

Lineage : preFM master
master cassette tape on Nakamichi BX300E > SB Live > Adobe Audition > Wav > TLH (level 8/SB aligned)

Setlist :
01. Winners, loosers...
02. Sister real
03. Out for the killing
04. Clean it up
05. Party girls and broken poets
06. Anastasia
07. You got it made
08. Niagara falls
09. Last of the rock stars
10. Rock ballad
11. Diamonds by the yard

12 separate tracks
total time: 68'20"

Notes :
It's a new transfert from this old tape ... This show was originally uploaded on December 31 2006 ...
It was also bootlegged on cd named "Just some stories from America" ...
But the more important is now the concert is COMPLETE ... 68 minutes instead of 64 for the first upload !!!
-original notes-
This is the 22th upload of my concerts collection recorded in Lyon (France) between 1982-1990
All my concerts were recording for Radio-Bellevue and Zap FM, so we have had some technical easynesses to record these shows.
Elliot Murphy & Band were recorded for Radio-Bellevue at the Centre Culturel (Lyon-Villeurbanne)
It was a pre FM recording for Radio-Bellevue (Lyon).
For mixing the show, i've used band soundboard outputs mixed on-the-fly (headphones) on tape recorder SONY TCD5M with a couple of additionnal ambiance mikes (Sennheiser) standing in the middle of venue close to the band soundboard.

Artword :
Yes (thanks to Kigonjiro)

Line up :
Elliot Murphy - vocals/guitar
Ernie Brooks - bass/vocals
Louis King - drums

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

ElliottMuphyAndBand1987-06-03CentreCulturelVilleurbanneFrance (1).jpg
ElliottMuphyAndBand1987-06-03CentreCulturelVilleurbanneFrance (2).jpg