Elton John
Denny Sanford Premier Center
Sioux Falls SD
Taper: alzeppelin
Location: Section 120 Row P
Gear: Coresound CSB Mics > Bass Roll-off > Tascam DR-05 (16/44)
Transfer: Memory Card > USB > Goldwave (normalize levels) > CDWAV (track splits) >
Traders Little Helper FLAC Level 8
My 4th time seeing Elton and probably the best show yet. I bought a seat the day of the show
which was located right behind Elton on the lower level. Given the location, I was
afraid the sound would suck but luck was on my side in that they had nice large dual stacks
pointing directly at me about 30 feet from my head. The sound was crystal clear and upfront with the
only negative being the overall mix losing the guitar a few times but not bad at all.
The location of my seat gave me a perfect view of the front row and I noticed something very sad.
At least 50 percent of the people in that row sat glued to their cellphones the whole show. For the
life of me I can't understand why you would pay upwards of a thousand dollars for a prime seat only
to spend half the show looking at the screen of a phone. Its sad that the best seats in the house
are priced completely out of reach for the average fan who are typically the ones who would appreciate these
seats the most.
One thing that never gets old at an Elton show is the fact that he takes the encore break to sign virtually
anything the first 5 rows hand him. He even delayed the encore so his security could go out and get a poster
from a person in about the 20th row which said "Elton sign my poster please!". No matter what your thoughts on him
you can't say he doesn't care about his audience although he still likes the $$$.
This recording is dedicated to my fiance Sammi who finally relented and let me go to this show.
Enjoy and never sell!!!
01. Funeral For a Friend
02. Love Lies Bleeding
03. Benny and Jets
04. Candle in the Wind
05. All the Young Girls Love Alice
06. Levon
07. Tiny Dancer
08. Believe
09. Daniel
10. Philadelphia Freedom
11. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
12. Piano Solo
13. Rocket Man
14. Hey Ahab
15. I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues
16. Mono Lisas and Mad Hatters
17. Your Song
18. Burn Down the Mission
19. Sad Songs Say So Much
20. Sorry Seems To Be the Hardest Word
21. Band Intros
22. Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me
23. The Bitch Is Back
24. I'm Still Standing
25. Your Sister Can't Twist (But She Can Rock N Roll)
26. Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting
27. Encore Break
28. Crocodile Rock
* Converted to FLAC October 2015
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: