Elvis Costello
Auditorio De Zaragoza
Sala Mozart
4Th June 2016
venue:sala Mozart
source:aud master
equipement: Edirol R-09-HR with external Sonic Studios microphone
location:first row left side of the stage seat 6
linage:master WAV 16bit>Audacity>cd wave edt>TLH (FLAC 8)
Wellcome to the DETOUR in Spain!.This is the first show in Sapin of three.The venue wasent full, but the audience was very excited with this incredible show.There are lot of people that he came from Catalonia, this time EC was not on the Catalonian program.
Elvis was impresed with the venue and he rehers for near two hours.He arrived at the Auditorium near 16h time and he keep on till the end .As usual, the set list changed many songs from the previus concerts in Italy the country before visit Spain to close the European tour.
During Alison they walk into the venue singing a capella and take seat for a few seconds just back to my seat.
DETOUR is and amazing show with some interesting videos on the big TV screen with nice old photos.
He explain that his friend Paul McCartney played two days before in Madrid and they also dedicate a song to Alain Tousant.
After the show I meet him on backstage-street and he signed thye original set list used on the piano and took some nice pictures.
After this, I traveled to Madrid for the second concert of this Spanish DETOUR the day after.
Hope you enjoy the show.
aditional note:
There are a few coments during the second track caused for one Stewart who ask to me not make photos with camera.Just after sing Good Year For The Roses you listen a scream asking for that song!! Sorry was me!!!! Incredible.This somg was not on the set list and is one of my favourite songs of EC.I say thanks to Elvis after the show for sing thyat song.
The show is complet, nothing cut from the bigining till the end.
recorded & edited by carbobueo
photos by carbobueno and Sam V. (c)
This is another concert from my Barcelona Conecrt series .
band: Elvis Costello, vocals, guitar, piano and Ukelele
set list:
01.video screen Monkey Man
03.Red Shoes
04.speaking about song
05.Accidents Will Happen
06.speaking about song
07.Ascension Day
08.speaking about song
09.Church Underground
10.Everyday I writte The Book
11.speaking about the song
12.So Like Candy/PIN
14.speaking about the song
16.speaking about the song
17.Freedom For The Stallion
18.speaking about song
19.Face in The Crowd
20.Walking My Baby Back Home
23.speaking about the song
24.Ghost Train
27.screen video (Ross McMamus band) "If I Had A Hammer"
28.......You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (the Beatles).....
30.Almost Blue
31.Watching The Detectives
32.Good Year For The Roses
33.Big Stars Have Tumbled (D)
34.I want You
35. end
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: