Elvis Costello - solo, and with Nick Lowe - Soundcheck
Ohio University, Memorial Auditorium
Athens, OH
17 April 1989

Lineage: Unknown portable cassette recorder > TDK SA90 > Nakamichi BX-100 > Universal Audio VOLT 2 > REAPER (24bit/96kHz) > Dithered and resampled to 16-bit/44.1kHz on render to WAV > XACT to FLAC 8

Background: I lived in the dorm across the street from Memorial Auditorium, and was excited to be going to the concert that night. That afternoon, I heard music from the auditorium coming through my window. I grabbed my portable cassette recorder that I used for class notes, and proceeded to the auditorium's west portico and recorded through the side door. Obviously, it's a rough recording, but came out surprisingly well. You'll hear outdoor noise and others hanging out and listening to the soundcheck, including some clapping.

1. Indoor Fireworks (partial)
2. Indoor Fireworks
3. Acoustic Guitar and Bass Check