Rich Stadium
Orchard Park, NY
Please note: this is the 'T' version (T-126) and is a different source to the Manticore Vaults Bootleg boxed set #2 version.
Mics and Recorder unknown >
unknown >
cassette >
Playback Deck: Tascam 130 >
Nikko 32 Band EQ >
Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder >
HHB CDR-800 Compact Disc Recorder >
CDR > WAV > Audacity > CD Wave Editor > FLAC
disc 1
1. Hoedown
2. Jerusalem
3. Toccata
4. Tarkus (including Epitaph)
5. Take A Pebble part 1
6. Still...You Turn Me On
7. Lucky Man
8. Piano Improvisation / Take A Pebble part 2
disc 2
1. Karn Evil 9 1st Impression
2. Karn Evil 9 2nd Impression
3. Karn Evil 9 3rd Impression
4. Pictures At An Exhibition
For Trade or Give Away only - Do not Sell - Do not encode as MP3
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: