Emily Barker Band
The Con Club
16 November 2017
SP-CMC-8 (AT853cards) > CA9100 > Edirol R-09 > usb > Cool Edit Pro (edits, normalise)
> CD Wave > TLH > Flac
Recorded, transferred, edited etc by: bluesmick
reduced individual handclaps from the bloke in front who insisted on clapping right in
front of the mics with his hands up at 7ft!, smoothed some vocals and loud spots,
normalised all to 98%
1. Intro from Jamie
2. Dear River
3. Tomorrow Be Now
4. Sister Goodbye
5. Intro to..
6. Letters
7. Hold On
8. Band Intro & intro to
9. Blood Moon
10. No 5 Hurricane
11. Intro to ..
12. If We Forget To Dance
13. Intro to ..
14. Over My Shoulder
15. Little Death
16. Intro to ..
17. Nostalgia
18. Change
19. Ghost Narrative
20. More!
21. Sweet Kind of Blue
22. thanks etc
23. Sunrise
24. audience
25. Precious Memories
26. audience, banter
27. Disappear
.. and yes, you did hear a baby crying!
Total time 91:44
bonus track - Emily & band on Pete Roe song
Emily Barker: Vocals, Guitar, harmonica
Lukas Drinkwate: Bass, Double Bass, Vocals
Pete Roe: Keyboards, Guitar, Vocals
Rob Pemberton: Drums
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: