Eric Burdon and the Animals, Cahors blues festival Espace Bessieres, 16 july 2014, SM aud master
Recorded from the seats, above the audience, facing left PA with :
2 x DPA 4099 supercard mics - DAD6001 - Zoom H4N (48/24), phantom on.
Downsampled 44/16 wav to PC, Audacity (tracks, volume, a bit of eq), FLAC (TLH).
The sound is improving after the first song.
01 Announcer and noise
02 Don't bring me down
03 When i was young
04 Don't let me be misunderstood
05 Water
06 Wait
07 Spill the wine
08 Black dog
09 Before you accuse me
10 Bo Diddley special
11 We gotta get out of this place
12 Peace in this world - River is rising
13 It's my life
14 House of the rising sun
15 Audience
16 Boom boom
17 Audience
18 River deep, mountain high
Photos added.
Sample in comments.
Ul by letsgo on august 2014.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
EricBurdonAndTheAnimals2014-07-16CahorsBluesFestivalFrance (9).JPG