Eric Clapton
Long Beach Arena
Long Beach, California
February 9, 1983
Eric Clapton - guitar / vocals
Albert Lee - guitar / vocals
Chris Stainton - keyboards
Donald "Duck" Dunn - bass
Roger Hawkins - drums
Disc 1
01. After Midnight
02. I Shot The Sheriff
03. Worried Life Blues
04. Crazy Country Hop
05. Slow Down Linda
06. Sweet Little Lisa
07. Key To The Highway
Disc 2
08. Tulsa Time
09. I've Got A Rock 'N' Roll Heart
10. Wonderful Tonight
11. Blues Power
12. Who's Loving You Tonight? -> Have You Ever Loved A Woman -> Ramblin’
13. Let It Rain
14. Cocaine
15. Layla
16. Band introductions -> Further On Up The Road
Recorded by: Ron and Rex
18th row front section dead center
2 Sennheiser mkh 406t-u mics > Sony D5M with Dolby on 2 TDK MA C90 cassette
Transfer by: Flying -M-
Nakamichi CR7A w Dolby (azimuth aligned, bias @ 70usec) > Korg MR2000-s @ 1 bit 5.6 MHZ DSD
AudioGate (24-96) > iZotope RX 8 advanced > CD Wave > Korg Aqua (16-44) > TLH (flac)
Tape flips after "Key To The Highway" and before "Let It Rain".
Thanks to Rex for loaning me the master cassettes.
Thanks to ethiessen for the beautiful Jewel Box artwork.
For historical reference only and not intended for resale or any commercial use
-M- (September 2021)
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