Artist: Eric Clapton
Date: 1983-06-29
Location: Clarkston, MI
Venue: Pine Knob Music Theatre
Source: Audience
Lineage: ANA(M)>WAV [96kHz/24bit]>WAV [44.1kHz/16bit]>FLAC [Level 8]
Transfer: Nakamichi CR-7A>PreSonus FireStudio Project>Adobe Audition 3.0>Cdwave editor>FLAC frontend 1.7.1
Taping Gear: Aiwa mic>Sony WM-D6
Taped By: JEMS
Transferred By: Mike Ziegler
Band Members:
Eric Clapton - lead guitar, lead vocals
Albert Lee - guitar, vocals
Chris Stainton - keyboards
Donald "Duck" Dunn - bass
Jamie Oldaker - drums
01. Intro
02. Tulsa Time
03. I Shot The Sheriff
04. Worried Life Blues
05. Lay Down Sally
06. Let It Rain
07. Double Trouble
08. Sweet Little Lisa*
09. Key To The Highway
10. Wonderful Tonight
11. Blues Power
12. Stand Around Crying ->
13. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
14. Cocaine
15. Layla
16. Band Intro
17. Further On Up The Road
* Albert Lee on lead vocals
Length: 98:46
JEMS master recording. This one captures Clapton on the second leg of the US tour for Money And Cigarettes. This was the 3rd of a 3 night stand he would play here at the Pine Knob Theatre. This one gets off to a bad start with the drummer knocking himself out cold during the intro into Tulsa Time delaying the show. Once he comes to they continue the show but by this time the show feels more like a we are already here so lets get it over with affair performance by the numbers than actually trying to put on a show. It seems that the setlist was shortened this night dropping After Midnight and The Shape You're In due to the time taken for the drummer to recover to keep from going past curfew time for the show.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: