Legends Flawless (Studio)
Mid Valley Records
MVR 355/356
I love it when EC wanders away for his regular path,
and does something different, whether in straight blues
or, in this case, jazz. When he does this, his guitar playing
moves to the forefront and we get treated to what we really
want to hear.
In the summer of 1997, he hooked up with some world-class jazz
musicians and did a brief (two week) tour of European jazz festivals.
The result was some truly great music.
And leave it to Mid Valley to source out the best soundboard
tapes, as well as the rehearsals, to put together this
magnificent compilation from the tour.
If you like jazz, or if you just like Eric, you should love
this set.
Marcus Miller Bass
Eric Clapton Guitar, Vocals
David Sanborn Saxophone
Joe Sample Keyboards, Piano
Steve Gadd Drums
S.I.R. Rehearsal Studios
Hollywood, CA
probably 1997.06.??
I am somewhat skeptical as to what these tracks really are.
Disc 2 does sound like rehearsals but pretty darned polished
ones. Disc 1, on the other hand, could be pretty final takes
for an album. The scuttlebutt amongst my Claptonophile cronies
is that Roger Forrester (EC's manager at the time) was mortally
opposed to anything where Eric had to share the billing with
anyone else, and killed the album.
Disc 1
Marcus #1
Marcus #1
Full house
Full house
Put It Where You Want
Disc 2
Going Down Slow
I Got You I Feel Good
Silver Rain
Rock Me Baby
Jelly Roll