Eric Clapton
Legends - Monotheistic Stages
Dates and venues below
Zig Zag Records
sb6 / sb6 (mono)
Dates and venues below

Disc 1: Recorded at the Montreux Jazz Festival on July 4, 1997
1) Full House
2) Marcus #1
3) Ruthie
4) Snakes
5) Going Down Slow
6) Peeper
7) Suggestions

Disc 2: Recorded at the Montreux Jazz Festival on July 4, 1997
1) Third Degree
2) First Song Tango
3) Put it Where You Want It
4) Jelly Roll
5) Sentimental - Layla
6) Everyday I Have the Blues

Disc 3: Recorded at the Gasteiz Jazz Festival, Vitoria, Spain on July 17, 1997
1) Full House
2) Marcus #1
3) Ruthie
4) Snakes
5) Going Down Slow
6) Peeper
7) Suggestions

Disc 4: Recorded at the Gasteiz Jazz Festival, Vitoria, Spain on July 17, 1997
1) Third Degree
2) First Song Tango
3) Put it Where You Want It
4) Jelly Roll
5) Sentimental - Layla
6) Everyday I Have the Blues

Comments: Another great release from the folks at ZigZag. Discs 1 and 2 are from the July 4, 1997 Montreux Jazz Festival show, and do not suffer from the small dropouts that plague the otherwise excellent Gods Meeting from Blue Note. Discs 3 and 4 are the final show of the tour, in excellent mono soundboard quality. It's interesting to compare the performances, as they vary considerably, with the earlier performances far more restrained than the later. Packaging, as with 1998's ECEC release, is a plastic clamshell type with no inserts. Recommended.

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