Eric Gales
07 February 2019 (Thursday)
The Hamilton
Washington, D.C.

Source: DPA 4023 > Sound Devices MixPre-6 (24/48)
Transfer: MP6 > iMac. Tracked and resampled to 16-bit via Sound Studio, FLAC via xACT

Recorded by Alex Leary

01. Intro > xxx
02. xxx
03. Layin' Down the Blues
04. How Do I Get You
05. Been So Long
06. Southpaw Serenade
07. (Don't Fear) The Reaper
08. Catfish Blues *


- Co-bill with Walter Trout, who performed first.
- * Walter Trout on guitar.

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

EricGales2019-02-07TheHamiltonWashingtonDC (1).jpg
EricGales2019-02-07TheHamiltonWashingtonDC (2).jpg
EricGales2019-02-07TheHamiltonWashingtonDC (3).jpg
EricGales2019-02-07TheHamiltonWashingtonDC (4).jpg