Eric Krasno Band 07/07/2016 Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY
Source 1: Schoeps cmc622xt (On Stage, Split 10') -> Sonosax SX-M2 -> Sound Devices 788T -> WAV (@24/96);
Source 2: SBD (Digidesign/Avid Profile) -> Sound Devices 788T -> WAV (@24/96);
Transfer: WAVs -> SoundForge Pro 11.0 (Time Align, normalize) -> Vegas Pro 13.0 (mix/render) -> SoundForge Pro 11.0 (EQ, normalize, fades, 96->44.1 iZotope 64-Bit SRC; 24->16 bit iZotope MBIT+ Dither) -> CDWav -> FLAC
Recorded, edited, mixed and mastered by Eric McRoberts 07/08-12/2016 - Lights by Victor Cornette - Thanks to Val Foster
One Set Show:
01. intro/crowd
02. Torture
03. Jezebel
04. Blood From A Stone
05. Please Ya
06. Curse Lifter
07. Love Is Strong
08. Waiting On Your Love
09. 76
10. On The Rise
11. Sweet Little Angel @
12. Unconditional Love *
13. encore break/crowd/BB birthday ceebration/balloon drop
14. I Second That Emotion
15. Manic Depression #
Eric Krasno - Guitar / Vox
Danny Mayer - Guitar
Alex Chakour - Bass
DeShawn Alexander - Organ / Keys
Eric Kalb - Drums
Mary Corso - Vocals
* w/ Nigel Hall - Organ / Vox
@ w/ Marcus King - Guitar / Vox
# w/ Brandon "Taz" Niederauer - Guitar
This show was a celebration of Brooklyn Bowl's 7th birthday/anniversary featuring the Marcus King Band followed by the Eric Krasno Band which was a record release in support of Krasno's new solo album 'Blood From A Stone.'
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: