Eric Lindell
Crescent City Blues & BBQ Festival
Lafayette Square Park
New Orleans, La.
Oct. 16, 2011

1 2:59
2 Lay Back Down (cut) 1:03
3 I Can Get Off On You (intro cut) 1:58
4 All Alone (with DJ interruption) 4:38
5 Lady Day and John Coltrane 10:12
6 5:06
7 Low on Cash 1:38
8 It's a Pity 7:16
9 If Love Can't Find a Way 3:22
10 It's You 3:20
11 Country Livin' 3:07
12 Don't Let Nobody 6:03
13 Bodega 4:16

Source: WWOZ-FM > RadioShark v2.0.2 > Macintosh MacMini (2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) > aiff > Quicktime 7.6.3 (convert aiff to wav) > wav > flac v1.2.1 (linux command line; level 8 compression) > flac file

Transfer: flac files (transferred by ftp from remote pc) > MacBook Pro (2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) > X Audio Compression Toolkit 2.13 (convert to aiff) > aiff > Bias Peak Pro (trimmed, raised 2.3 db, split into songs) > X Audio Compression Toolkit 2.13 (sector boundaries repaired; level 8 compression) > flac

Note: The live broadcast feed ended abruptly about a minute into Track 2 and the signal reverted to the studio for about 13-1/2 minutes. That portion was removed, and the live broadcast resumes with Track 3. In addition, about 22 seconds of a DJ station identification and announcement was removed about 5:57 into Track 12 (after the music).