Eric Steckel
New Hope Pa.
August 10th, 2012'
Recorded and transferred by Bob Pitlak
Thanx Eric for allowing us to record !
Source: Zoom H-4>sdhc>wav>pc>Wave Pad Sound Editor ( 24 bit>16 bit conversion )
amplification of 12 db @ 1:30 with Audacity on first track/disc one for balance
of recording, one noise spike removed @ 16:29 of first track/disc 2>CD Wav>
Traders Little Helper>Flac
Recorded @ 24 bit 96 khz, dithered to 16 bit 44.1 khz
I tried recording at the premium recording quality of 24 bit just for kicks, as i
normally record at 16 bit, but for some reasons things didn't go so smoothly from
the start, the band launched right into the first song with no real warmup during
my recording so i had to guess the recording level which i assumed this would be
a typical night at Havana as i've recorded there before and usually their not loud
enough but this time the recording level was clipping hard so i knocked it down on
the fly which makes for a clean recording problematic.The first minute and a half
i'm guessing was recorded at too high a recording level so i didn't want to blow
the whole recording because distortion is next to impossible to fix, so i figured
i could adjust the volume level to match the beginning as best i could, it worked.
Been 2 years since i had seen Eric play, and as usual he is ever changing it up
but what doesn't change is the tasty guitarwork that comes with every show he does.
This time around he has a new band, really tight and well seasoned guys that seem
to gel just right, some new material for the new cd coming out in October is spot
on and the rest of the show is some nice blues classics, some i've never seen Eric
do before as he's expanding his repetoire and his confidence is really showing here.
His voice has really matured, as well as his playing as he's really starting to show
how diversified his range is especially on Bob Dylan's "I Shall Be Released" which
is really mellow in it's original showing, Eric makes it a whole new animal here.
Already known for his uncanny ability to emulate many of the blues master's we all
know, the direction to grow is obvious as for the first time i've seen, Eric invites
a special guest onstage by the name of Nancy Coletti who sounds a little like Lou Ann
Barton to do a couple of numbers and the crowd goes nuts as she really brings the old
school feel with her, nice touch.
Typical energetic show from Eric Steckel here, some new songs & some new bandmembers
but the same great guitarwork, as expected.
If you like kick ass blues/rock guitar look no further !
Eric has a new cd coming out in early October, keep your eyes peeled!
BTW, Eric is taper friendly so get out there!
Support the artist by going to a show and buying cd's etc.
How To:
The Band
Eric Steckel: Guitar/Vocals
Rick Prince: Bass
Andrew Haley: Drums
Robert Sands: Keyboards
Nancy Coletti: Guest Vocals*
Disc 1/1st Set ( 58:08 ) Min
1: Intro/Funky C Funky Do
2: Dust My Broom
3: So Many Roads, So Many Trains
4: Scuttle Buttin'/Mary Had A Little Lamb Medley
5: All Your Love
6: Empty Promises
7: Sugar Sweet
Disc 2/2nd Set ( 48:27 ) Min
1: Day Drinkin'
2: Sweet Home Chicago
3: Stormy Monday*
4: Little By Little*
5: I Shall Be Released
6: Whippin' Post
Artwork Included
Not 4 Sale Trade Only !
Crack One Open And Enjoy!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: