Eric Steckel
The Stanhope House
Stanhope, New Jersey
August 31st, 2012'
Recorded & transferred by Bob Pitlak
Source: Zoom H-4>wav>sdhc>pc>cd wav>traders little helper>flac
16 Bit
Thanx Eric for allowing us to record !
This was my fourth time seeing and recording Eric in less than a month, as i've
always said he get's better by the show and returning to the Stanhope House i would
have bet he would tear it up, that's an understatement.This time around, he was booked
for back to back nights at the Stanhope House a place that has showcased some of the
most famous of all bluesmen, including a well remembered performance by Stevie Ray Vaughan.
It must be a thrill playing on the same stage as some of the greats, intimidation is not in
the vocabulary of Eric Steckel as he seemed highly energized to play and boy did he.
It's hard to write something new about Eric after seeing and recording him so many times now,
but since first watching Eric play at 15 years old and seeing him now at 22 you can really
notice how amazing he's becoming as a musician/guitarist.Most notably the vocals in which he's
taking different directions in range and style, but the emotion shows through distinctively
especially on the guitarwork as his solos become more like stories than showing off, this is
something that separates guitar players from one another, this uncanny abilty to not sound
boring and redundant but to keep reinventing the music as he goes along.
I missed Eric's first appearance at the Stanhope House, an obviously they must have liked what
they heard as a double back to back booking is not that common in the music business these day's
so i was really excited to be able to go both nights.I've been bugging Eric for quite some time
to play "Lenny", which he played live on his first cd and although he hasn't played it that much
he said he would definately be playing it tonight.
From the opening notes of "Funky C Funky Do", Eric comes out with guns blazing, playing some red
hot guitar all night, many magical moments throughout hard to pick what's best as it's all good
as they say nowadays "So Many Roads, So Many Trains" an old Otis Rush tune really starts cranking
things up as his extended guitar solos gets the crowd clamoring away for more.
I'm liking what i hear so far from the new cd coming out, the first track is called "Daydrinkin"
and it has a really nice original feel to it with some infectious guitarwork.
Finally as promised, Eric gets the crowds attention completely as he announces he's gonna play
some Stevie Ray and launches into "Lenny" one of if not my favorite SRV tune ever and the crowds
reaction is obvious as they are really loving it, only to follow with an encore!
The rest of the show is chock full of tasty guitarwork, Eric does a blistering cover of the blues
anthem "Sweet Home Chicago" which is as good as it gets, another highlight here is is a lesser
known cover by the late Donny Hathaway's "We're Still Friends" a statement of pure emotions that
is expressed on guitar, just amazing.
Another fantastic show from the amazing Eric Steckel, if you don't know The Eric Steckel Band and
like your blues red hot then this is for you and if you know Eric it's a no-brainer!
Fantastic audience recording & performance !
Support the Eric Steckel Band by going to a live show and buying a cd etc.
How to:
Eric has a new cd coming out in early October, keep your eyes peeled!
BTW, Eric is taper friendly so get out there!
The Band
Eric Steckel: Guitar/Vocals
Rick Prince: Bass
Andrew Haley: Drums
Disc 1/1st Set ( 77:36 ) Min
1: Funky C Funky Do
2: Red Rooster/Dust My Broom Medley
3: So Many Roads, So Many Trains
4: Daydrinkin'
5: Lenny
6: Scuttle Buttin'/Mary Had A Little Lamb Medley
7: The Ghetto
8: Empty Promises
9: Sugar Sweet
10: Born Under A Bad Sign
Disc 2/2nd Set ( 63:23 ) Min
1: Sweet Home Chicago
2: Your Blue Eyes 2 Mine
3: We're Still Friends
4: Voodoo Chile ( Slight Return )
5: I Shall Be Released
6: Whippin' Post
Artwork Included
Not 4 Sale Trade Only !
Crack One Open And Enjoy!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: