Everyone Orchestra
July 21, 2006 10KLF, Detroit Lakes, MN
Source: MBHO MBP 603a + KA100LK (Healy Method omni, stand at 10.5'^, FOB approx 50' from stage) > UA-5 (BM2p+ mod.) > [(coax > D7) and (optical > JB3 @ 44.1 khz)]. Recorded by Dean Lambrecht.
Conversion: NJB3 > USB > PC [WAV > FLAC4 + Verified OK]
Size: 971MB (WAV) 396MB (FLAC)
Taped by deanlambrecht
Seeded by empty
Two discs. Setlist unavailable.
Thank you for auditing this recording. Please contribute financially to the individual artists and the 10KLF as best you can by purchasing their "official" recordings and attending one of the best festivals you'll ever find:
Everyone Orchestra, featuring:
Matt Butler, Steve Kimock, Vince Herman, Hot Buttered Rum, Souleye, Tea Leaf Green, Shawn Hartung, Andy Goessling (Railroad Earth), Tim Carbone (Railroad Earth)
Please DO NOT sell this recording.