Everyone Orchestra
River Street Jazz Cafe
Plains, PA
April 4, 2014
Matt Butler - Conductor
Steve Kimock - Guitar
Ryan Montbleau - Guitar And Vocals
Reed Mathis - Bass
Jennifer Hartswick - Trumpet And Vocals
Natalie Cressman - Trombone And Vocals
John Kimock - Drums
Schoeps MK4V's (9ft from Stage DFC)>Schoeps KCY 250/05I>Schoeps VST62IU>Sound Devices 788t
SD788t>Sound Forge Pro 11 (Fades,iZotope 64 Bit SRC/iZotope MBIT+ Bit depth conversion to 16 Bit/44.1khz)>Trader's Little Helper (FLAC)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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