Everyone Orchestra
Ardmore Music Hall
Ardmore PA
April 29th, 2017
Steve Kimock - Guitar
Zach Deouty - Guitar
Tim Carbone - Fiddle
Andrew Altman - Bass
Keyboards - Holly Bowling
Drums - Jason Hann
Saxophone - Mike Quinn
Coducted By Matt Butler
Soundboard + Schoeps MK41V's>Schoeps KCY 250/05i>Schoeps VST62iu (30ft from stage clamped to rail of elevated viewing area)>Sound Devices 788t (24 Bit/48khz)
SD788t>Nuendo 4 (Mix) Sony Sound Forge Pro 11 (Fades,iZotope MBIT+ Bit depth conversion to 16 Bit/44.1khz)>CDWAV(Tracking)>Trader's Little Helper (FLillAC)
Recorded/Processed By Keith Litzenberger