The Fab Faux
2017-09-23 (Sat)
UMass Fine Arts Center
Amherst, Massachusetts
Source: (FOB/LOC) SP-CMC-2 cards > SP-SPSB-11 > Sony PCM-M10 (24bit/44.1kHz)
Transfer: Audacity (normalize, tracking, fades) > WAV (16bit) > TLH > FLAC (6)
Set 1 [58:25]
101. Intro
102. A Hard Days Night
103. You Can't Do That
104. I Saw Her Standing There
105. Here Comes The Sun
106. Martha My Dear
107. Taxman
108. Nowhere Man
109. Hold Me Tight
110. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
111. I've Just Seen A Face
112. Strawberry Fields Forever
113. Oh! Darling
114. Penny Lane
Set 2 [54:05]
201. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
202. With A Little Help From My Friends
203. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
204. Getting Better
205. Fixing A Hole
206. She's Leaving Home
207. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
208. Within You Without You
209. When I'm Sixty Four
210. Lovely Rita
211. Good Morning Good Morning
212. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)
213. A Day In The Life
214. E: Please Please Me
215. Twist And Shout
Note: In Honor of its 50th Anniversary, Performing "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" in its Entirety - Plus other Beatles Hits.
Will Lee - bass, vocals
Rich Pagano - drums, vocals
Frank Agnello - guitar, vocals
Jimmy Vivino - guitar, keys, sitar, vocals
Jack Petrouzzelli - keys, guitar, vocals
The�Hogshead Horns:
John Chudoba - trumpet
Tom "Bones" Malone - trombone, trumpet, saxophone
Tom Timko - saxophone, trumpet, trombone
Jerry Vivino - saxophone, piccolo
The�Creme Tangerine Strings:
Sibel Finn - cello
Amy Kimball - violin
Erin Hill - harp, vocals
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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