Fahlheimer Festmusikanten
Ulm, Baden-W�rttemberg, Germany
Zunfthaus der Schiffleute
Open Air Concert
20. Juli 2014
-(nearly) supporting Neil Young & Crazy Horse-
minimax master-series #400
Master - Audience recording
Parking-costs: sorry, no parking costs, went over there by feet & train
weather-conditions (due to massive requests!!): hot, hot, hot
catering: a coke, a pair of Weissw�rste with Brezen (ah, not true), a Mass of beer, another Mass of beer, one more Mass of beer, and anoreht mafss off beeer and two mohohre bbeee.
Couldn't manage to get over to Neil later alone anymore 'cause soemone said he found me near the Donau or in the Donau � who knows...doesn't matter...so much fun....
Taping-location: second rows of the beer - tables, about 8,86 meters from the stage, as far as I remember.
Sound-quality: excellent, I had to cut out some seconds between the songs of the audience 'cause the band had to pause a bit long due to their heavy heavy sound
Equipment: Zoom H4N - Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8 - SP-SPSB-8 Sound Professionals
concert-info: Here we have the real stuff. Original Bavarian Punk-Folk at the Schw�rweekend at Ulm. Never ever thought that I once would see such a fantastic live band opening a set or a day of a Neil Young & Crazy Horse-concert. WOW! And I'm still hoping that I once will see a fantastic live band opening a set or a day for......
This was a great starter. (as far as I remember)
This band must have come over from Fahlheim, Bavaria via Neu-Ulm to rock Baden-W�rtemberg into the ground. They play typical bavarian and southern folk-music with their horn-instruments, sometimes filled with some yodelling. Perfect as a starter for more music to come later.
Fahlheimer Musikanten
??? (I need your help)
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Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
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