Acapela Studio,
Cardiff, Wales
28th May 2022
Lineage - Matrix (40/40/20) of:
Source 1: Church Audio CA-14 omnis > CA-9200 > Edirol R-07 (@24/96)
Source 2: Edirol R-09HR with internal mics (@24/96)
Source 3: Edirol R-07 with internal mics (@16/48)
Edited in Cool Edit Pro 2 > Movie Magic > CDWave > TLH
Recorded 15' back, just inside house left speaker
Recording by boombox & mrunhalf
Transfer, editing & artwork by boombox (all photos by mrunhalf)
CD1 - Set 1:
1. Simon speaks
2. Walk Awhile
3. Peggy speaks
4. Cider Rain
5. Chris speaks
6. Don't Reveal My Name
7. Simon speaks
8. Over The Lancashire Hills
9. Peggy speaks
10. The Festival Bell
11. Simon speaks
12. Lalla Rookh
13. Ric standup #1
14. Steampunkery
15. Simon speaks
16. Sloth
CD2 - Set 2:
1. Chris speaks
2. The Year of Fifty Nine
3. Ric standup #2
4. Portmeirion
5. Simon speaks
6. Moses Waits
7. Peggy speaks
8. Bankruptured
9. Chris speaks
10. Moondust & Solitude
11. Peggy speaks
12. Doctor Of Physick
13. The Hiring Fair
14. Simon speaks
15. Matty Groves
16. Encore Break
17. Meet On The Ledge
boombox's notes june 2022:
Barely seven months on from their last appearance, Fairport returned to the all too familiar surroundings of a sold-out Acapela. The setlist varied a bit from their previous visit - 'Over The Lancashire Hills' from Simon's first solo album got a rare outing and the late Maartin Alcock's contribution to the band was recognised with a dusting off of 'Lalla Rookh'. The band were all in good humour and Ric got two standup slots.
My recording came out very well on the whole, although in between songs, there was some diginoise - a kind of rhythmic clicking - evident on my primary source. (Why can't people stay off their phones?!!) As a result, the introductions needed my other unaffected source to patch them. For good measure, I also added in a bit of mrunhalf's source as the R07 internal mics are more sensitive and natural sounding than the HR-09's. The PA was also very quiet, so in boosting levels, there is a tiny bit of background noise in between songs if you listen very closely. All in all, though, it still sounds very good.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: