Fantastic Negrito
a Live and Direct FM radio session broadcast by "Stereonotte", Radio1 RAI [first channell of italian national radio], from RAI studios in Saxa Rubra, Roma (Italy), during the night between saturday 7 and sunday 8 May 2016, at 01:06 AM hours [CET]
thin is a short radio session by blues-busker Xavier Dphrepaulezz on his own - interviews are run in english then translated into italian, and go for around 15mis
Aveva un contratto milionario, ha mollato tutto trasferendosi nelle campagne di Oakland. Ha avuto un terrificante incidente d�auto ed � rimasto in coma per 3 settimane. Ha fatto 3 bambini ed uno di questi, quando non riusciva a dormire, gli ha fatto riprendere in mano la chitarra per suonargli una ninna nanna� da li � rinato l�amore di Xavier Dphrepaulezz per il blues e la sua nuova incarnazione: Fantastic Negrito, questa sera live, a Stereonotte!
tracklist > running time 25'39"
1- introduction and interview
2- Night Has Turned To Day
3- interview
4- Rant Rushmore
5- interview
6- Where Did You Sleep Last Night
7- radio outros
Lineage (FM > Hard Disc > web):
ITT HiFi4060 Tuner > Audacity 2.0 via Asus A7S333 C-Media CMI8738/C3DX soundcard > 44100hz/16bit .aup > flac's (level 8) > webtorrenting
folder size : 184 mb
firstly upped by survivor69 on, 16-May-2016 (dimeupload #1548)
note that due to disk space limitations, I will not be able to keep seeding this torrent for a long time - I will abandon the seed in a few days, maybe remove from HD these wav/flac files, and keep only my own CDR. Too many things to upload. In case of seeders going missing, enlist yourself as a leecher and some seeder will come back, and you are anyhow welcome to try and ask for additional torrenting...
checksum file included - if uploaded on other trackers or reseed (and you are welcome to do both), please include original infofile and also do not change FOLDER name. Also, if not satisfied with my offering, you are welcome to remaster/retrack/whatever and repost, but please always clearly state where/who did you have this material from and keep original infofile. IF YOU ARE THEN OFFERING THIS SET ON YOUR BLOG AS mp3's, PLEASE SPECIFY WHERE TO ALSO GET THE ORIGINAL LOSSLESS FILES