Fareed Haque And His Funk Bros.
Friday, August 24, 2018
Caribou Room, Nederland
Source: Core Sound Binurals -> Battery Box -> Edirol r-05 24/44.1 -> USB -> Dell Inspiron 15 -> USB Drive
Lineage: USB Drive -> Cool Edit Pro -> CDWave -> Flac/24
Recorded by Royboy
Transferred on September 24, 2018
Tagging: Flacs tagged with Foobar2000 Live Show Tagger and Cover / Photo added to Tags with MP3 Tag v2.88a
24 Bit File Set
Set 1:
s1t01 - Introduction
s1t02 - Instrumental 1
s1t03 - Instrumental 2
s1t04 - Instrumental 3
s1t05 - Creep
s1t06 - Instrumental 4
Set 2:
s2t01 - Instrumental 5
s2t02 - Instrumental 6
s2t03 - Mr. Fatty
s2t04 - Fearless
s2t05 - Compared To What
s2t06 - chatter
-Fareed Haque - guitar, vocals
-Greg Fundis - drums
-Alex Austin - bass
-Kevin Kozol - keyboards
-- NedFest late night show
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: