Fish-Heads Acoustic Tour
The Tunnels, Bristol, UK
13 November 2011

Source: Audience
Mic: Microphone Madness MM-BSM-6->Sound Professionals SP-SPSB-1 (roll-off @ 160Hz)
Recorder: M-Audio Microtrack II
recorded and transferred by AJ

1. Intro chat
2. Chocolate Frogs*
3. Chat (shite shirts)
4. Somebody Special
5. Chat
6. Brother 52
7. Chat (rugby)
8. Vigil in a Wilderness of Mirrors
9. Chat (marriage)
10. Family Business
11. Punch & Judy
12. Chat (Michael Jackson)
13. Torch Song
14. Slainte Mhath
15. Chat (soldiers)
16. Pilgrim's Address
17. The Company

Length 1h33m54s

*There is a slight cut near the beginning of Chocolate Frogs, due to user error. I have tried to edit it to be as unobtrusive as possible.

Lineage:WAV 44.1Khz/24bit->PC>Wavelab 5(normalise/edit/fades)->WAV44.1Khz/16bit->CD Wave->TLH->FLAC Level 8

An AJ Mobile production

For free trade only. Do not buy or sell.

Enjoy and please post your comments and feedback!