The Flamin' Lips
August 12, 1999
The Cat's Cradle, Carrboro NC
in house stereo FM
AIWA "walkman" FM receiver and stereo cassette recorder>
TDK SA 90 cassette>
Nach MR-1>
Midi Mia soundcard>
Soundforge 8
01 (soundcheck)
02 the spider bite song
03 wayne addresses the audience
04 race for the prize
05 feeling yourself disintegrate
06 she don't use jelly
07 slow nerve action
08 wayne speaks
09 waiting for superman
10 what is the light / the observer
11 when you smile
12 the gash (battle hymn for the wounded)
13 the spark that bled
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: