--Upgrade!--FLEETWOOD MAC feat. Peter Green-1971-07-19-Swing Auditorium, San Bernardino, Ca --sbd from 1st Gen. Reel!--
Friends, here�s the best sounding & most complete version of this memorable show, I found so far!
Peter Green joined Fleetwood Mac for a few dates, after Jeremy Spencer shocked Fleetwood Mac
with his legendary disappearance.
This was recorded from soundboard by Harry Kraslow & fortunately taperpat sent me a copy on CDR,
from his 1st Gen reel copy, for upload, here!
All thanks for the upload to both of them!
This show was earlyer traded as -1971-03-24,but since the poster of the show was found (scan incl. in torrent),
the Date had to be corrected
MP3 sample below!
01-Station Man
02-Get Like You Used To Be
04-Purple Dancer
06-I'd Rather Go Blind
06-Tell Me All The Things You Do /Jam,/drums(cuts out)
Danny Kirwan: g, voc
Mick Fleetwood: dr
John Mc Vie :b
Christine McVie: keyb.,voc
Peter Green: g,
recorded by Harry Kaslow-transferred & mastered by Pat LeeAugust 2006
SBD Master Reel (Sony reel 770 with Sony ECM 22�s) >
Reel > Revox A-77 reel deck > Phillips 785 CDR burner-CDR
Doc Tinker:
CDR-Cool edit( using better Channel only /pitched +3%/EQ)-Flac
Remastered & uploaded to Dime Sept. 2006 by Doc Tinker!
Enjoy this great piece of Fleetwood Mac History!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: