Fleetwood Mac
Cobo Arena
Detroit, MI
September 22, 1977
JEMS Master
Recording Gear: Teac M-100 single microphone > Sony TC-153SD
2017 Transfer by Popmarter for JEMS: Nakamichi CR-7A azimuth-adjusted playback > Behringer Ultramatch 24/96 > XLR digital out (AES/EBU) > Edirol R44 (digi in) > SDcard > .wav > iZotope RX and Ozone Mastering > iZotope MBIT+ resample to 16/44.1 > Peak Pro 6 (post production) > xACT 2.37 > FLAC
01 Say You Love Me
02 Monday Morning
03 Dreams
04 Oh Well
05 Riahnnon
06 Oh Daddy
07 Never Going Back Again
08 Landslide
09 Over My Head
10 You Make Loving Fun
11 I�m So Afraid
12 Go Your Own Way
13 World Turning
14 Blue Letter
15 The Chain
16 Second Hand News
17 Songbird
Those of you following the JEMS narrative know that my great friend and collecting partner Jared died in October 2016 after a six-year battle with cancer. Jared�s will called for his tape collection to be passed to me so we could continue mining the archive and releasing our collective recordings under the JEMS moniker.
The prospect of thousands of in-bound tapes was equal parts exciting and daunting, in part because the sheer volume is more than one person can handle even if I could transfer tapes every single day. As such, JEMS has been deputizing others to help get as many tapes transfered and distributed as possible, especially experts in some artists I�m not as familiar with. In recent weeks, you may have seen our new friends at KRW_CO transferring and posting on behalf of JEMS. Frogster. glastnostrd19, ademotte, realomind and slipkid68 have been pitching in for some time. And of course mjk5510 has done yeoman work on our behalf for the last several years. To that esteemed group we add Popmarter, who volunteered to take on some transferring and had the right gear to do so, utilizing the same model of Nakamichi cassette deck I use here at JEMS South.
Popmarter transferred a couple dozen shows for us and the first is a delightful one to be sure: a JEMS master (uncirculated?) of Fleetwood Mac in Detroit on the Rumours tour. It is a classic mid-70s Jared master, recorded in mono on the trust Sony TC-153SD and sounding very good indeed. Samples provided.
I�ve always been a Fleetwood Mac liker, but my appreciation for this period, when they were quite simply the most popular band in America, has grown in recent years. The songs are undeniable and the talent of the five musicians immense. Perhaps it is Christine�s recent return to the fold that prompted the new appreciation, but listening to this show only reinforces how great they were. There�s also something guttier and grittier to the live versions of the Rumours material (e.g. Lindsey�s guitar on �You Make Loving Fun�) that makes it even more appealing.
Some might note the absence of �Gold Dust Woman� in the set list, which was common on the �77 tour. It is possible it went unrecorded, but Jared�s flip between �Over My Head� and �You Make Loving Fun� seems clean, and it would be highly unusual for him to miss an entire song, but catch both songs on either side in their entirety.
If you would like to learn more about Jared and his 40 years in taping, we encourage you to watch this short documentary:
Big thanks from JEMS to Popmarter for volunteering to transfer tapes. We appreciate it. Thanks as well to mjk5510, who once again handles the post-production. Please let them know how you like the recording in the comments.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: