Fleetwood Mac Sept. 22nd 1982 at Alpine Valley Music Theater East Troy Wisconsin USA (Master tape debut April 18th 2020)
A Covid-19 quarantine release! :)
After that 1980 killer Fleetwood Mac recording, I was so psyched for this show. I got there in the middle of the backup band Men At Work. To this day I so regret not recording that show. The only other regret for not recording a backup band was Van Halen 1978 when they backed Black Sabbath. Stevie Nicks voice was the only dissapointment here. The band sounded great. Great reproduction at this classic venue. I cranked this one up many times on my stereo system. Enjoy guys, RB
**Everything I do for my stereo room and gear is carefully chosen for the finest of quality control. This means A to B comparisons for EVERYTHING! I leave no stone unturned. I decide if what I do will end up being a more musical experience and not the opposite like more processed sounding. I split hairs!! I have learned what is more musical from all the decades of listening to differences. Stereo and audio gear is not nearly as subjective as people make it out to be. It is either more musical or more processed sounding at the end of the day. One more thing I learned, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE SAME! Practically the same yes! The same, NO! So with this all said…..I thank all the people here for the great compliments since I came here in 2006. It means a lot to me after decades of sleepless nights and stressful days carrying in top shelve equipment every time out!**
With every digital transfer the master tapes become obsolete. If you try any which way to transfer them again they won't sound as good. As long as there are ample backups of course there is no need for them.
Mics: Sony ECM-33F (9V round battery)
Recorder: 1981 TCD-5M Sony Cassette Pro Portable
Location: 25th row a few seats right of center
Cassettes: Fuji Metal 90: Dolby on but left off for this playback
Playback: Sony TCD-5M unit calibrated to this era (not same identical unit). Tape speed and head alignment
Chord Company Interconnect Cable (Naim Co.)
Run through the Naim Audio NAC-52 preamp to the Sound Devices-722 @ 24b/192kHz
Sony Sound Forge just to track. NO OTHER BULLSHIT!
Setlist/Track order:
01 - intro
02 - Second Hand News
03 - The Chain
04 - talk
05 - Don't Stop
06 - Dreams
07 - Oh Well
08 - Rhiannon
09 - Brown Eyes
10 - Eyes of the World
11 - talk
12 - Gypsy
13 - Love in Store
14 - Not That Funny
15 - Never Going Back Again
16 - Landslide
17 - Tusk
18 - Sara
19 - Hold Me
20 - You Make Loving Fun
21 - I'm So Afraid
22 - Go Your Own Way
23 - talk
24 - Blue Letter
25 - Sisters of the Moon
26 - crowd
27 - Songbird