Fleetwood Mac
Golden 1 Center
Sacramento, CA
November 23, 2018
Taper: The Jackal
iPhone 8 (internal mics, voicememo app) m4a > Dell Inspiron 13 Series 7000 > Roxio Creator 9 (fades & tracking) FLAC
The Chain
Little Lies
Second Hand News
Say You Love Me
Black Magic Woman
Tell Me All the Things You Do
World Turning
Oh Well
Don't Dream It's Over
Isn't It Midnight
Monday Morning
You Make Loving Fun
Gold Dust Woman
Go Your Own Way
Free Fallin'
Don't Stop
All Over Again
Another Jackal Production Vol 21: Fleetwood Mac 2018-11-23 Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, CA
Little did I know while I was enjoying the show that across town my 96 year old Mom was lying on the floor of her independent living apartment having suffered a mild stroke. The staff found her next afternoon and called me & the ambulance. Miraculously, she came out of it all just fine! After a couple days in the ER and a couple weeks of rehab she was all better... just a little bit slower. By Christmas we were back to our once a week visits to the local Indian casino. Mom looooooved her video poker! We continued our weekly jaunts to Red Hawk until just 2 weeks before she passed four years later at age 100.
This was only my second time seeing Fleetwood Mac; first time was way back in 1976 when they shared the bill with Peter Frampton at a Day On the Green. This was very enjoyable show... pretty much what you'd expect. I'm a big Mike Campbell fan & he was great!! They gave him a Petty cover and he introduced & sang Oh Well.
The recording is so-so. I was seated midway up the second level at the back of the arena. You can definitely tell I was a long way from the stage & speakers. Check out the sample.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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