Florian Droids
Jungle Jam
Docelunes Resort
Jaco, Costa Rica
Neumann TLM-170 (hypercardoids, at soundboard) -> Sound Devices 722 (@24/96); FLAC File processing in SoundForge 11 (slight bass rolloff; volume normalization; resample to 44.1 with iZotope 64-Bit SRC set higher than "Highest Quality" setting w/anti-alias filter; 24->16 bit dither using iZotope MBIT+ Dither with Ultra noise shaping, High dither settings); Tracked in CDWav. IDv3 tagged in Tag&Rename 3.7.5
1. track 1 (end)
2. track 2 ->
3. track 3
This band was supposed to open the main stage on Friday, but got caught in a traffic jam and missed most of their set time. This is an abbreviated set that they played. While I was there to start when they were scheduled to play, I went off to do other things when they weren't ready. As soon as I heard them playing I ran over to my gear to start it up, so I missed the beginning of their first song.
Recorded, mastered, tracked, tagged, and posted by Scott Bernstein (1/25-1/27/2014)