Yellowstock Festival 2012
De Boogaart, Geel, Belgie
August - 18 - 2012
Afternoon outside show (ca. 14:45 -> 15:45)
It's a SPACEBANDIT, so you're in it!
Rec. Info:
OKM2mics -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...overboard!
Recorded by yours truly in the blazing sun at front row almost dead centre. The vocals are a bit low in the mix, as the mics picked up mostly the monitor sound. All instruments
are clear and there's almost no chatter audible. Some nice pictures by me and Wolli added...I think this is a fine recording!
Round # 8 from small but great YELLOWSTOCK FESTIVAL in Belgium was the only show I captured from this marvellous great band from Baltimore, Maryland, US of A. on this summer tour,
which spread from May until August all over Europe. And it's a crying shame to me, that I could not get it managed to see them more often. Also, it absolutely escapes my mind and
imagination, why these young guys aren't already recognized the way they should. They play an exciting psychedelic bluesinfluenced rock, which is nothing short of sensational!
You, see, I really dig this band, and I strongly hope, at least, with the release of their upcoming next album, they harvest the glory (and the money) they seeded with endless tours
in Europe. The best thing about this show was that I noticed a real dramatic change in their sound. As I had not seen them since last November, their music got a even more psychedelic
spacey tone, which got me smiling from ear to ear. So, relax, light one up, and get yourself be graced by the fantastic FLYING EYES! SB.
FULL SHOW (58:41 min.)
01. Intro by Elias and Mac (1:44)
02. Lay with me -> (5:17)
03. Red sheets (3:57)
04. On my own way (4:12) *
05. Death don't make me cry (3:32)
06. Nowhere to run (2:32)
07. Raise hell (3:19)
08. Winter -> (4:36)
09. Overboard (5:37)
10. Smile -> (6:03)
11. Under your skin -> (3:53)
12. Greed -> (4:20)
13. Rolling thunder (5:55)
14. I wanna be your dog (3:38) **
* untitled track, I decided to name it as on previous recordings.
** Stooges cover
WILL KELLY - vocals, guitar
ADAM BUFANO - lead guitar, tabled slide guitar
MAC HEWITT - bass, vocals
ELIAS SCHUTZMAN - drums, harp, vocals
Support the artists, go to their shows, buy as much merchandise as your mule can carry!
Please do not convert to fucking mp3, unless for personal use...
@ WILL,ADAM,MAC+ELIAS: Thank you for a REAL GOOD time!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
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