The Earl Haig Club
Cardiff, Wales
22nd April 2024
Lineage: Sound Professionals SP-CMC-9 cardioids > SP-SPSB-20 > Edirol R-07 (@24/96) > Cool Edit Pro 2 > CDWave > TLH
Recorded 15' back, just off centre
Recording, transfer and artwork by boombox
Disc 1 - Set 1:
1. Introduction >
2. Focus 1 >
3. Anonymus
4. House Of The King
5. Eruption
6. Focus 7
7. Sylvia
Disc 2 - Set 2:
1. Focus 2
2. All Hens On Deck
3. La Cathédrale De Strasbourg
4. Harem Scarem
5. Hocus Pocus
6. Focus 3 >
7. Answers? Questions! Questions? Answers!
Focus are:
Thijs van Leer - Hammond, flute, vocals
Pierre van der Linden - drums
Menno Gootjes - guitar
Udo Pannekeet - bass
boombox's notes may 2024:
Almost a year to the day that they last wowed us, the band were back in what is becoming one of my favourite South Wales venues. With a setlist almost identical to last year's show we might have been disappointed, but nothing is ever played the same way twice: Menno and Udo's improvs in Harem Scarem were inspired and I could never tire of watching a Pierre drum solo - how he plays like he does at 78 is anyone's guess. Thijs' flute and organ work was as good as ever - someone tell me just how he plays a flute and Hammond at the same time with such consummate ease!!
Sound in the venue is always excellent and a taping position so close to the stage and considerate immediate neighbours meant that this recording turned out very nicely indeed. I have reduced the volume on some of the enthusiastic applause and brought up the overall levels and that's about it. Mercifully, the ignorant oik on the table next to me who opened a packet of crisps in the middle of Pierre's drum solo, and who was seemingly oblivious to the death stares he got, didn't affect the recording.
The band are releasing a new album in July and are back in the UK in the Autumn. I will be there and I encourage you to do so too. :-)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: