Venlo, The Netherlands
28. August 2016
minimax master-series #682
Master - Audience recording
Taping-location: second row, right side
Sound-quality: excellent � the first one or two minutes I had to adjust the level
Equipment: Zoom H4N with Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8
concert-info: day 04 of this years' Zomerparkfeest at Venlo
�.and run, Minimax, run!! From the mainstage up to the Arena. But, Damned, F�llakzoid had already began their set. Maybe for one minute or less. I started to record rushing into the Arena-Tent, finding a good place in second row. And it took me about four or five minutes 'til I closed my eyes and psyched away...
The band was hidden in fog and dark light, played just four songs, four long songs and the whole tent was like stoned. Didn't expect it to be that way � and psychedelic music isn't my favourite kind of music - but here everything was fine. And this was the closing act of this festivity � for me.
Well done, chilean boys!!
Including Cover-Artwork!
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